Student Services

J DuffSchool Chaplain


Jane is the School Chaplain and is available three days a week – Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The role of the Chaplain is to walk alongside students, staff, parents and caregivers in a pastoral and supportive way.

The Chaplain is not concerned with academic performance but rather social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Jane is available to listen to and discuss any issues of that nature upon request.

To make an appointment, please contact the school (Tel) 9312-4800 or email





School Nurse


School Health Services are defined as the provision of health services to students who attend public schools. These services are provided by the Department of Health (DOH) school nurses and are jointly funded by the Department of Education (DOE) and DOH.

Answers to frequently asked questions may be clarified in one of the links below:
Student Health Care Parent Information Brochure
Chicken Pox

Colour Blindness
Flu and Other Infections
Head Lice (Department of Health)
Immunisation Schedule (2018)





School Dental Therapy Centre


Our Caralee students certainly have an advantage having a School Dental Service permanently on site.


The Caralee DTC is open during the week and can be contacted on the details below.

Caralee DTC
Dental Health Services

24 Winnacott St, Willagee 6156

Ph: 08 9337 6818

School Dental Service (SDS)
The School Dental Service (SDS) is a public health programme and provides free general dental care to students who attend a Western Australian Department of Education for recognised school aged children 5 to 16 years or until the end of year 11.

The SDS is delivered state wide through fixed and mobile dental therapy centres (DTC) co-located with some schools.



For more information, visit