Students first day back is Wednesday 5 February 2025.We look forward to welcoming you back then!
The Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday 4 February 2025 from 9am - 11am.Any orders placed over the summer holidays can be picked up from school then.
Know the signs and symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
FREE EVENT to be held at Willagee Library, Wed 12 February 2025 (2.30pm to 4.30pm). Everyone welcome.
Our local kids are encouraged to join in with this after school sports program, with AFL and other mini games on offer. Your child can learn new skills, make friends and have fun for FREE!
We love our community school and feel very privileged to be an integral part of our Willagee community too. Here you will find links for you and your family to enjoy activities and events close by.
A playgroup for Aboriginal children aged between 0-3 years old.
Saver Plus is a financial education and matched savings program funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and ANZ. The program is delivered by The Smith Family.
Please take note of our new sign out procedure for students leaving our Caralee school site before the end of the school day (prior to 2:50pm).
A reminder to parents & guardians about our preferred Absentee Line.
If your child is four years old by 30 June 2025, you can apply to enrol them in Kindergarten commencing next year.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Customer Care Team on 1300 105 343 who are available 5am – 9pm, 7 days a week - except National Public Holidays.