Crunch&Sip Program

Caralee CS has been a WA Certified Crunch&Sip school since March 2008.


Participating in a daily Crunch&Sip break is a great way for children to drink water and eat an extra serve of vegetables or fruit to support good health and to help learning.

For more ideas and inspiration, healthy tips and information to help prepare your child's food and drink requirements each day, click HERE.

  A message from the Western Australian School Canteen Assoc Inc

'Parents and carers are often called the ‘nutritional gatekeepers’ in the home, meaning that they hold the biggest food influence on the lives of their children and also their partners'.

For some, food preparation can be an onerous task that seems never ending. For useful tips and general ideas that can make the task easier and help you to ensure all the members of your household are receiving the best possible nutrition, click HERE.