Public School Review

All Western Australian public schools are reviewed on a cycle appropriate to the school’s needs.


Caralee’s recent positive Public School Review (PSR) report states:

  • Overall, NAPLAN achievement for Year 3 and Year 5 has been consistently close to or above like schools.
  • Collaborative processes are constructive and purposeful with Professional Learning Community (PLC) leaders providing support. Staff plan together and share resources and moderate student work to ensure consistency of practice. Staff are actively encouraged to have high aspirations and take leadership roles beyond their classrooms. A stable, distributed leadership model empowers staff, providing opportunities to build their leadership capabilities.
  • Extensive partnerships have been established with a variety of external agencies and businesses that enhance the learning program for students; these include the Willagee Library, City of Melville, Fremantle Language Development Centre and local retailers.

To read the full Public School Review for Caralee CS, click on the following link:


Public School Review - July2019

Public School Review - February 2023