Kindergarten Enrolments 2025 - Apply now

If your child is four years old by 30 June 2025, you can apply to enrol them in Kindergarten commencing next year.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our Caralee community.

We are currently taking applications to enrol and offer two Kindy Groups for which you can select your preference.

School Tours 
Tours of the school are available upon request via our Booking Form, or by telephoning our Administration Office on (08) 9312 4800 and asking to speak with one of our Deputy Principals.  Please note: current COVID-19 practices will apply.

Enrolment Procedures
For more information about enrolment of your child, visit Student Enrolments.

For Parents & Guardians
+ Issued by the Department of Education, Western Australia: Early-Learning-Resources
+ What to expect when your child starts Kindergarten: Hello Kindergarten!